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Inventory for the Autumn 2024-Spring 2025 Planting Season

  • $35 to $40 (plus tax) based on size and species, with a portion of each tree sale donated to the United Way
  • Bulk discounts available
  • Plants are picked up by appointment in one of our nurseries in Mount Vernon or New Harmony, IN
  • Cash or check accepted at time of pickup
  • Plants are 2 to 6 feet tall in easy to plant, cylindrical containers
  • See our Planting & Care Guide to maintain the health of your tree or shrub
  • Call 811 before you dig!

Tree List (Searchable)

Common NameScientific NameZonesFull sunGrowth RatePotential Height (ft)NativeNotes
American BasswoodTilia americana3-7Full sun to partial shadeFast70🌎Best in moist soils, but can tolerate drier soils. Has small pale yellow flowers in clusters.
American HornbeamCarpinus caroliniana3-7Sun to ShadeFast25🌎Tolerant to most soil types, and periodic flooding. An understory tree.
American PlumPrunus americana5-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage15🌎Can be shaped into a tree or shrub. Adaptable and spreading through suckers. Tree is the native plant which makes distinct fruits which are less flavorful than the domesticated species.
American YellowwoodCladrastis kentukea4-8Full sunAverage55🌎
Bald CypressTaxodium distichum4-10Full sunAverage70🌎Avoid alkaline soils and can tolerate flooding. Long living – 600 year trees have been identified.
Bitternut HickoryCarya cordiformis3-7Full sunSlow50🌎Tolerant to most types of soil. Also known as white walnut in certain parts of the United States.
Black CherryPrunus serotina3-8Full sunFast50🌎Tolerates most soils. Fruit is edible but bitter to the taste, and only used for flavoring.
Black GumNyssa sylvatica4-9Full sun to partial shadeFast40🌎Called the common tupelo in some areas. Avoid alkaline soils for best growth, moist conditions are tolerated.
Black OakQuercus velutina3-9Full sunAverage60🌎Perfers well-drained soil, both alkaline and acidic.
Black WalnutJuglans negra4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage80🌎Tolerant of most soil conditions. Fruits are attractive to squirrels and other animals. Walnuts are edible but were a gigantic pain for the auction author to open when attempted.
Bur OakQuercus macrocarpa3-8Full sunSlow70🌎Moderate levels of moisture is ideal for soil choice.
ButternutJuglans cinerea3-7Full sunAverage60🌎Rich, moist soils. The name "butternut" comes from the mellow flavor of the nut.
Cherrybark OakQuercus pagoda6-9Full sunAverage70🌎Prefers moist, loamy soil. Acorns develop over two years.
Chestnut OakQuercus montana4-8Full sunAverage70🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Similar to Swamp Chestnut Oak.
Chinese ChestnutCastanea mollissima4-8Full sunFast50Avoid alkaline soil, drought-tolerant. Plant in clusters / pairs for pollination
Chinquapin OakQuercus muehlenbergii4-7Full sunFast40🌎Does best in well-drained areas
Common ChokecherryPrunus virginiana2-10Full sun to full shadeAverage30🌎
Dawn RedwoodMetasequoia glyptostroboides5-8Full sunFast80Avoid alkaline soil, plant in areas with sufficient space. On conservation lists, originally from small area in Hubei China.
Eastern Red CedarJuniperus virginiana2-9Full sun to partial shadeFast35🌎
Emerald Green ArborvitaeThuja occidentalis β€˜Smaragd’3-8Full sunAverage15
English OakQuercus robur4-8Full sunAverage60Perfers well-drained soil, both alkaline and acidic.
English WalnutJuglans regia5-9Full sunFast50Tolerant to most soil types.
European BeechFagus sylvatica4-7Full sun to partial shadeAverage50Has irregular shape which can be managed by pruning. Interesting chestnut like seeds make it different than an American Beech.
European HornbeamOstrya carpinifolia4-8Full sunAverage60Tolerant to most soil types.
European Linden TreeTilia tomentosa4-7Full sun to partial shadeAverage50Leaves are dark green or silver white dependent on side seen.
GingkoGingko biloba3-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage50Tolerant to most soil types. Best is sandy, moderately moist soil.
Gray DogwoodCornus racemosa3-8Full sun to partial shadeSlow15🌎Adapted to a wide range of soil types
Green Giant ArborvitaeThuja standishii x plicata β€˜Green Giant’5-7Full sun to partial shadeFast50🌎Avoid poorly drained / wet soilds. Salt sensitivity has been reported.
HackberryCeltis occidentalis3-9Full sunAverage50🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Resistant to strong winds and tolerates air pollution.
Hardy ApricotPrunus armeniaca5-8Full sunAverage40Cultivated as a fruit tree, the most common species of apricot. Apricot seeds and kernels contain chemical compounds that will be converted in cyanide if eaten by humans.
Honey LocustGleditsia triacanthos3-8Full sun to partial shadeFast70🌎Honey locust is a rapidly growing, large deciduous tree good for a native garden or as a street tree.
Hop HornbeamOstrya virginiana3-7Sun to ShadeFast25🌎Tolerant to most soil types, and periodic flooding.
Horse ChestnutAesculus hippocastanum5-8Full sun to partial shadeFast20Avoid alkaline soil
Japanese MapleAcer palmatum5-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage25Prefers well-drained soil, protect from winds if possible.
Kentucky CoffeetreeGymnocladus dioicus3-8Full sunFast70🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Drought tolerant once established.
Kousa DogwoodCornus kousa5-8Full sun to partial shadeFast20Avoid alkaline soil
Lacebark ElmUlmus parvifolia5-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage50Tolerant to most types. More disease and cold weather resistant than other elm species available.
Larch (aka Tamarack)Larix decidua1-7Full sunFast60🌎Best in moist, well-drained soils. Native habitat is bog edges.
LeadplantAmorpha canescens2-6Full sunAverage5🌎Does well in dry, sandy to clay soil
Littleleaf LindenTilia cordata3-7Full sun to partial shadeAverage50Avoid persistently wet areas, sensitive to road salt
Loblolly PinePinus taeda6-9Full sunFast90🌎
London PlanetreePlatanus x acerifolia5-8Full sun to partial shadeFast80London planetree is a hybrid resulting from a cross between the native sycamore and the non-native Asian planetree. Like sycamore, this is a large tree with beautiful peeling bark.
Northern CatalpaCatalpa speciosa4-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage50🌎Tolerant to most types. Avoid planting near sidewalks, fruit can be hazardous
Northern White CedarThuja occidentalis2-7Full sunSlow40🌎Avoid alkaline soils. Prefers sandy, well-drained soils.
Norway SprucePicea abies3-7Full sunAverage50A large, pyramidal tree with weeping branches and long, cylindrical cones. Avoid alkaline soils, works well for windbreaks.
Nuttall OakQuercus texana6-9Partial shadeFast140🌎Wet clay soils along streams. Known for its red to orange-red autumn foliage.
Ohio BuckeyeAesculus glabra4-9Full sunAverage40🌎Prefers moist, slightly acidic soil for best growth.
Osage orange (aka Hedge Apple)Maclura pomifera4-9Full sunFast40🌎Tough tree that tolerates alkaline and clay soil, dry sites, occasional drought or flooding, and road conditions. Lime green, softball-sized fruit.
Overcup OakQuercus lyrata5-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage70🌎Prefers well-drained soil, can tolerate flooding
Pagoda DogwoodCornus alternifolia3-7Full sun to partial shadeFast25🌎
Paperbark MapleAcer griseum4-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage30Tolerant to most soil types. Tolerates urban environments – planted as the canopy for the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon.
PawpawAsimina triloba5-8Sun to ShadeSlow25🌎Performs best in moist, slightly acidic soil. Fruit is edible and tastes like pear + banana.
PecanCarya illinoinensis6-9Full sunAverage80🌎Tolerant to most types. Multiple trees are needed for pollination.
PersimmonDiospyros virginiana4-9Full sunAverage60🌎Tolerate in most soils. Fruit is edible.
Pin OakQuercus palustris4-8Full sunFast65🌎Prefers well-drained soil, can tolerate flooding
Pitch x Loblolly PinePinus rigida x taeda4-8Full sunAverage60🌎Tolerant to most soil types and conditions. Hybrid of Loblolly and Pitch pine species.
Pond CypressTaxodium ascendens5-8Full sunAverage70🌎Native tree tolerate to both wet sites and flooded conditions. Useful near water edges or low lying fields which flood in spring rains.
Post OakQuercus stellata5-9Full sunAverage60🌎Prefers drier, well-drained soils as compared to other oaks.
Princeton ElmUlmus americana 'Princeton'2-7Full sunFast70🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Elm disease resistant versus other types, but not 100% disease free.
Red BuckeyeAesculus pavia4-8Full sun to full shadeSlow40🌎
Red MapleAcer rubrum3-9Full sunAverage60🌎Prefers wet soil conditions
Red Maple 'October Glory'Acer rubrum 'October Glory'4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage50🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Less winter resistant than other cultivars.
Red MulberryMorus rubra4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage60🌎Tree with dense crown and small blackberry like fruit which are not edible for humans when unripe. Ripe fruit is harmless, but can stain surfaces if left unattended.
Red OakQuercus rubra3-8Full sunFast70🌎Prefers acidic soil over alkaline soil conditions, some drought tolerance once established.
RedbudCercis canadensis4-9Full sun to partial shadeFast30🌎Tolerant to most types
Redbud 'Forest Pansy'Cercis canadensis β€˜Forest Pansy’4-9Full sun to partial shadeFast30🌎Purple leaves
Redbud 'Ruby Falls'Cercis canadensis β€˜Ruby Falls’4-9Full sun to partial shadeFast30🌎Purple leaves
River BirchBetula nigra4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage60🌎Avoid alkaline soil. Can tolerate flooding and some drought. Useful near streams.
Roughleaf DogwoodCornus drummondii5-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage15🌎Native to Canada and the US, tolerating both poor soil and deer browsing. Planting is best in naturalized settings or at the edges of landscapes in an informal shrub border.
Sargent’s CrabappleMalus sargentii4-8Full sunAverage10🌎Tolerant of most soil conditions, preferring acidic soil. Fruits are attractive to birds. Excellent resistance to a variety of crabapple diseases.
SassafrasSassafras albidum4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage50🌎Avoid alkaline soil, some tolerance to salt/drought. Fruit is eaten by deer and wild turkeys.
Scarlet OakQuercus coccinea4-9Full sunAverage70🌎Avoid alkaline soils for best growth
Shagbark HickoryCarya ovata4-8Full sunAverage70🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Fruit is edible… personal opinion says that this is not worth it. Roasting is the best option.
Shellbark HickoryCarya laciniosa5-8Full sunSlow70🌎Grows in acidic, alkaline, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, wet and clay soils. Is generally drought tolerant once established.
Shingle OakQuercus imbricaria4-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage60🌎
Shortleaf PinePinus echinata6-9Full sunAverage75🌎Prefers drier, well-drained soils. Avoid alkaline soils.
Shumard OakQuercus shumardii5-9Full sunAverage60🌎Prefers acidic soil over alkaline soil conditions
Silky DogwoodCornus amomum5-8Full sun to near full shadeAverage15🌎Good shrub for moist or wet areas, when left alone, this shrub may spread to form thickets. White spring flowers lead to blue fruit which birds will eat.
Silver MapleAcer saccharinum3-9Full sun to full shadeFast60🌎Prefers wet soil conditions
Smooth SumacRhus glabra3-9Full sun to partial shadeFast15🌎Near ubiquitous shrub in the United States, forming colonies which are an important wintering food for wildlife. Shrubs have excellent color and best left to naturalized areas or erosion control.
Southern Red OakQuercus falcata6-9Full sun to partial shadeFast80🌎A faster growth but less winter resistant tree than the standard red oak.
Staghorn SumacRhus typhina3-9Full sunFast15🌎Easily grown in a wide range of soils, with white blooms in spring and red berries in fall.
SugarberryCeltis laevigata6-9Full sun to full shadeAverage60🌎
Sugar MapleAcer saccharum3-8Full sun to shadeAverage100🌎Rich, moist , well-drained soils. A straight, central trunk and wide canopy make it a good shade tree.
Swamp Chestnut OakQuercus michauxii5-9Full sunAverage50🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Similar to Chestnut Oak.
Swamp White OakQuercus bicolor4-8Full sunAverage50🌎Avoid alkaline soils for best growth
Sweet CrabappleMalus coronaria1-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage30🌎Moist soil, stream banks, open woods, woodland edges. The common crabapple of the Ohio Valley, it can be planted as an ornamental.
Sweet GumLiquidambar styraciflua5-9Full sunAverage70🌎Avoid alkaline soils for best growth. Pollution resistance is minimal.
Sweetbay MagnoliaMagnolia virginiana5-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage20🌎Avoid alkaline soils and can tolerate some flooding. Flowering in May/June.
SycamorePlatanus occidentalis4-9Full sunFast80🌎Prefers medium/wet soils. Air pollution tolerant. One of the most massive trees in the Eastern United States, so plan spaces accordingly.
TulipLiriodendron tulipifera4-9Full sunFast80🌎Avoid alkaline soil, drought-tolerant in humid regions.
Washington HawthornCrateagus phaenopyrum4-8Full sunAverage30🌎A small tree which enjoys full sun, but has thorns (hence the name).
Water OakQuercus nigra6-9Full sunFast80🌎A wetland tree, tolerant of water. More common in the south, with Indiana at the northern edge of the habitable zone.
Water TupeloNyssa aquatica6-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage70🌎Prefers moist, acidic soil and can grow in standing water.
White/Pink Flowering DogwoodCornus florida5-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage25🌎Tolerant to most types. Can be short enough for under utility lines
White Fringe TreeChionanthus virgnicius4-9Full sun to partial shadeSlow15🌎White flowers of 6 inches in needle like clusters. Good for near homes as size is controllable.
White OakQuercus alba3-9Full sun to partial shadeFast70🌎Intolerant of alkaline or shallow urban soil
White PinePinus strobus3-8Full sun to partial shadeFast70🌎Tolerant to most types, but fastest growth in acidic, well-drained soils.
Yellow BuckeyeAesculus flava3-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage70🌎Performs best in moist, well-drained soil. Will grow poorly on dry sites. Fruit is poisonous if eaten without leaching the saponins.

Shrubs and Small Trees (Searchable)

Common NameScientific NameZonesFull sunGrowth RatePotential Height (ft)NativeNotes
Allegheny ServiceberryAmelanchier laevis4-8Full sun to partial shadeSlow15🌎All serviceberries have edible fruits, but flavor depends on type. Pollinated by bees.
American BeautyberryCallicarpa americana6-10Full sunAverage6🌎Woody shrub that produces showy purple berry clusters along the stem in fall. Pruning old growth will encourage more flowering and berries each year. Fruits can be made into a sweet syrup.
American ElderberrySambucus canadensis4-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage10🌎Avoid alkaline soils. Prefers sandy, well-drained soils. Flowers and ripened fruit are edible, there are significant risks to eating unripened or uncooked fruit.
American HazelnutCorylus americana4-9Full sun to shadeAverage15🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Drought tolerant. Nut production starts on eighth year from seed, and requires cross-pollination.
American WitchhazelHamamelis virginiana3-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage30🌎Avoid alkaline soil
ArrowwoodViburnum dentatum2-8Full sun to shadeSlow10🌎Native shrub to most of the eastern United States, tolerant to a variety of soil types. Flowers and fruit attact butterflies, bees, and songbirds.
Black ChokeberryAronia melanocarpa3-8Full sun to partial shadeSlow5🌎Tolerant to most soil types. Fruit is edible but highly astringent, leading to choking and the name.
BlackhawViburnum prunifolium3-9Full sun to shadeAverage20🌎A small tree that may grow 20 feet tall and nearly as wide, with spring flowers that in large white clusters.
ButtonbushCephalanthus occidentalis5-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage15🌎Plant makes distinct snowball like flowers. Left alone in full sun, buttonbush can grow to near the heights of a small tree (15-20'), but is generally a smaller shrub. Does well in consistently moist soils. Flowering is less impressive on shady side of plant.
CoralberrySymphoricarpos orbiculatus2-7Full sun to shadeAverage5🌎Coralberry is a low-growing, spreading shrub with arching stems that produce clusters of purplish red fruits in the fall.
Deciduous HollyIlex decidua5-9Full sun to partial shadeSlow15🌎Perfers average soil types Γ’β‚¬β€œ acidic organic soils. Heavier berries will be present if planted in groups.
Downy Serviceberry (aka Common Serviceberry)Amelanchier arborea5-9Full sun to partial shadeSlow25🌎Pruning its several trunks to a central leader is possible if the look of a tree is preferred.
Eastern WahooEuonymous atropurpureus4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage25🌎Tolerant to most soil types.
False IndigoAmorpha fruticosa4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage12🌎False Indigo is a native shrub of the Fabaceae (bean) family, typically found growing in moist woodlands, floodplains, and near edges of streams, ponds, or swamps.
Fragrant SumacRhus aromatica3-9Full sun to partial shadeSlow6🌎Spreading shrub which provides fall color and fruits which can support native birds and wildlife.
Gray DogwoodCornus racemosa3-8Full sun to partial shadeSlow15🌎Adapted to a wide range of soil types
Highbush CranberryViburnum tilobum2-5Partial shadeSlow10🌎Fruit is edible, but will need to protect from birds who also enjoy the fruit.
InkberryIlex glabra 'Shamrock'6-10Full sun to partial shadeSlow6🌎A species of evergreen holly, but leaves are more oval than the distinctive holly form.
LeadplantAmorpha canescens2-6Full sunAverage4🌎
Mapleleaf ViburnumViburnum acerifolium4-6Partial shadeSlow6🌎Distinctive, purplish-pink autumn foliage
Nanking CherryPrunus tomentosa3-7Full sunAverage10Tolerant to most types. Fruit bearing shrub from the plum family, but fruits look more similar to cherries.
NannyberryViburnum lentago3-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage15🌎Native Indiana shrub which can support birds and wildlife. Height in sun are significantly higher than in shady areas.
New Jersey TeaCeanothus americanus2-8Full sun to partial shadeAverage5🌎Used well in mass plantings, as a tall ground cover, or on steep slopes for erosion control
NinebarkPhysocarpus opulifolius2-8Full sun to partial shadeFast8🌎Shrub with exfoliating bark and white flowers. Shrub can be cut down in winter to rejuvenate.
Northern BayberryMyrica pensylvanica3-7Full sun to partial shadeFast10🌎Shrub which is tolerant to both drought and wet site conditions once established. Fixes atmospheric nitrogen.
Red BuckeyeAesculus pavia6-9Full sun to partial shadeFast20🌎Avoid alkaline soil Γ’β‚¬β€œ ornamental tree with visual interest
Red ChokecherryAronia arbutifolia4-9Full sun to partial shadeAverage5🌎
Red Osier Dogwood (aka Red Twig)Cornus sericea2-7Full sunAverage10🌎Shrub grows well in wet areas, with a distinctive red stem color and white flowers for good visual interest.
Saskatoon ServiceberryAmelanchier alnifolia3-6Full sun to partial shadeSlow12🌎All serviceberries have edible fruit, but flavor depends on type. Pollinated by bees.
Shadblow Serviceberry (aka Canadian Serviceberry)Amelanchier canadensis4-7Full sun to partial shadeSlow20🌎Hardier overall than other species but struggles in drought conditions.
Silky DogwoodCornus amomum5-8Full sun to near full shadeAverage15🌎Good shrub for moist or wet areas, when left alone, this shrub may spread to form thickets. White spring flowers lead to blue fruit which birds will eat.
SnowberrySymphoricarpos albus3-7Full sun to shadeSlow6🌎Spreads by suckers underground - make sure to control plant growth. Berries are used in Canada for fruits.
Speckled AlderAlnus incana3-6Full sun to partial shadeAverage15🌎Should be in partial shade to protect from heat in summer. Will grow as wide as tall.
SpicebushLindera benzoin3-8Partial shade to shadeSlow12🌎Prefers moist, acidic soil. Leaves will will gain a reddish color when stressed. Flowering in spring.
Strawberry Bush (aka Hearts-a-Bustin’)Euonymus americanus6-9Partial shade to shadeAverage6🌎Low maintenance shrub which produces fruits that are not generally considered consumeable by humans. Fruits are a strong laxative.
Vernal WitchhazelHamamelis vernalis3-8Full sun to partial shadeFast15🌎Sometimes called Ozark witchhazel, this shrub is a tought durable plant that works best in close to full sun. Leaf scorch can happen in hot dry summers where not afternoon shde is available. Flowers have a wide variety of colors.
WinterberryIlex verticillata3-9Full sun to shadeSlow10🌎Can tolerate up to full shade, low maintenance, border shrub

Ancient trees are precious. There is little else on Earth that plays host to such a rich community of life within a single living organism.