Inventory for the Autumn 2024-Spring 2025 Planting Season
- $35 to $70 (plus tax) based on size and species, with a portion of each tree sale donated to the United Way
- Bulk discounts available
- Plants are picked up by appointment at 1129 E. Church St, New Harmony, IN
- Cash or check accepted at time of pickup
- Plants are 2 to 6 feet tall in easy to plant, cylindrical containers
- See our Planting & Care Guide to maintain the health of your tree or shrub
- Call 811 before you dig!
Tree List (Searchable)
Common Name | Scientific Name | Zones | ![]() | Growth Rate | Potential Height (ft) | Native | Notes |
American Basswood | Tilia americana | 3-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 70 | π | Best in moist soils, but can tolerate drier soils. Has small pale yellow flowers in clusters. |
American Hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana | 3-7 | Sun to Shade | Fast | 25 | π | Tolerant to most soil types, and periodic flooding. An understory tree. |
American Plum | Prunus americana | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 15 | π | Can be shaped into a tree or shrub. Adaptable and spreading through suckers. Tree is the native plant which makes distinct fruits which are less flavorful than the domesticated species. |
American Yellowwood | Cladrastis kentukea | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 55 | π | |
Bald Cypress | Taxodium distichum | 4-10 | Full sun | Average | 70 | π | Avoid alkaline soils and can tolerate flooding. Long living β 600 year trees have been identified. |
Bitternut Hickory | Carya cordiformis | 3-7 | Full sun | Slow | 50 | π | Tolerant to most types of soil. Also known as white walnut in certain parts of the United States. |
Black Cherry | Prunus serotina | 3-8 | Full sun | Fast | 50 | π | Tolerates most soils. Fruit is edible but bitter to the taste, and only used for flavoring. |
Black Gum | Nyssa sylvatica | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 40 | π | Called the common tupelo in some areas. Avoid alkaline soils for best growth, moist conditions are tolerated. |
Black Oak | Quercus velutina | 3-9 | Full sun | Average | 60 | π | Perfers well-drained soil, both alkaline and acidic. |
Black Walnut | Juglans negra | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 80 | π | Tolerant of most soil conditions. Fruits are attractive to squirrels and other animals. Walnuts are edible but were a gigantic pain for the auction author to open when attempted. |
Bur Oak | Quercus macrocarpa | 3-8 | Full sun | Slow | 70 | π | Moderate levels of moisture is ideal for soil choice. |
Butternut | Juglans cinerea | 3-7 | Full sun | Average | 60 | π | Rich, moist soils. The name "butternut" comes from the mellow flavor of the nut. |
Cherrybark Oak | Quercus pagoda | 6-9 | Full sun | Average | 70 | π | Prefers moist, loamy soil. Acorns develop over two years. |
Chestnut Oak | Quercus montana | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 70 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Similar to Swamp Chestnut Oak. |
Chinese Chestnut | Castanea mollissima | 4-8 | Full sun | Fast | 50 | Avoid alkaline soil, drought-tolerant. Plant in clusters / pairs for pollination | |
Chinquapin Oak | Quercus muehlenbergii | 4-7 | Full sun | Fast | 40 | π | Does best in well-drained areas |
Common Chokecherry | Prunus virginiana | 2-10 | Full sun to full shade | Average | 30 | π | |
Dawn Redwood | Metasequoia glyptostroboides | 5-8 | Full sun | Fast | 80 | Avoid alkaline soil, plant in areas with sufficient space. On conservation lists, originally from small area in Hubei China. | |
Eastern Red Cedar | Juniperus virginiana | 2-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 35 | π | |
Emerald Green Arborvitae | Thuja occidentalis βSmaragdβ | 3-8 | Full sun | Average | 15 | ||
English Oak | Quercus robur | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 60 | Perfers well-drained soil, both alkaline and acidic. | |
English Walnut | Juglans regia | 5-9 | Full sun | Fast | 50 | Tolerant to most soil types. | |
European Beech | Fagus sylvatica | 4-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | Has irregular shape which can be managed by pruning. Interesting chestnut like seeds make it different than an American Beech. | |
European Hornbeam | Ostrya carpinifolia | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 60 | Tolerant to most soil types. | |
European Linden Tree | Tilia tomentosa | 4-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | Leaves are dark green or silver white dependent on side seen. | |
Gingko | Gingko biloba | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | Tolerant to most soil types. Best is sandy, moderately moist soil. | |
Gray Dogwood | Cornus racemosa | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 15 | π | Adapted to a wide range of soil types |
Green Giant Arborvitae | Thuja standishii x plicata βGreen Giantβ | 5-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 50 | π | Avoid poorly drained / wet soilds. Salt sensitivity has been reported. |
Hackberry | Celtis occidentalis | 3-9 | Full sun | Average | 50 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Resistant to strong winds and tolerates air pollution. |
Hardy Apricot | Prunus armeniaca | 5-8 | Full sun | Average | 40 | Cultivated as a fruit tree, the most common species of apricot. Apricot seeds and kernels contain chemical compounds that will be converted in cyanide if eaten by humans. | |
Honey Locust | Gleditsia triacanthos | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 70 | π | Honey locust is a rapidly growing, large deciduous tree good for a native garden or as a street tree. |
Hop Hornbeam | Ostrya virginiana | 3-7 | Sun to Shade | Fast | 25 | π | Tolerant to most soil types, and periodic flooding. |
Horse Chestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum | 5-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 20 | Avoid alkaline soil | |
Japanese Maple | Acer palmatum | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 25 | Prefers well-drained soil, protect from winds if possible. | |
Kentucky Coffeetree | Gymnocladus dioicus | 3-8 | Full sun | Fast | 70 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Drought tolerant once established. |
Kousa Dogwood | Cornus kousa | 5-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 20 | Avoid alkaline soil | |
Lacebark Elm | Ulmus parvifolia | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | Tolerant to most types. More disease and cold weather resistant than other elm species available. | |
Larch (aka Tamarack) | Larix decidua | 1-7 | Full sun | Fast | 60 | π | Best in moist, well-drained soils. Native habitat is bog edges. |
Leadplant | Amorpha canescens | 2-6 | Full sun | Average | 5 | π | Does well in dry, sandy to clay soil |
Littleleaf Linden | Tilia cordata | 3-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | Avoid persistently wet areas, sensitive to road salt | |
Loblolly Pine | Pinus taeda | 6-9 | Full sun | Fast | 90 | π | |
London Planetree | Platanus x acerifolia | 5-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 80 | London planetree is a hybrid resulting from a cross between the native sycamore and the non-native Asian planetree. Like sycamore, this is a large tree with beautiful peeling bark. | |
Northern Catalpa | Catalpa speciosa | 4-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | π | Tolerant to most types. Avoid planting near sidewalks, fruit can be hazardous |
Northern White Cedar | Thuja occidentalis | 2-7 | Full sun | Slow | 40 | π | Avoid alkaline soils. Prefers sandy, well-drained soils. |
Norway Spruce | Picea abies | 3-7 | Full sun | Average | 50 | A large, pyramidal tree with weeping branches and long, cylindrical cones. Avoid alkaline soils, works well for windbreaks. | |
Nuttall Oak | Quercus texana | 6-9 | Partial shade | Fast | 140 | π | Wet clay soils along streams. Known for its red to orange-red autumn foliage. |
Ohio Buckeye | Aesculus glabra | 4-9 | Full sun | Average | 40 | π | Prefers moist, slightly acidic soil for best growth. |
Osage orange (aka Hedge Apple) | Maclura pomifera | 4-9 | Full sun | Fast | 40 | π | Tough tree that tolerates alkaline and clay soil, dry sites, occasional drought or flooding, and road conditions. Lime green, softball-sized fruit. |
Overcup Oak | Quercus lyrata | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 70 | π | Prefers well-drained soil, can tolerate flooding |
Pagoda Dogwood | Cornus alternifolia | 3-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 25 | π | |
Paperbark Maple | Acer griseum | 4-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 30 | Tolerant to most soil types. Tolerates urban environments β planted as the canopy for the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon. | |
Pawpaw | Asimina triloba | 5-8 | Sun to Shade | Slow | 25 | π | Performs best in moist, slightly acidic soil. Fruit is edible and tastes like pear + banana. |
Pecan | Carya illinoinensis | 6-9 | Full sun | Average | 80 | π | Tolerant to most types. Multiple trees are needed for pollination. |
Persimmon | Diospyros virginiana | 4-9 | Full sun | Average | 60 | π | Tolerate in most soils. Fruit is edible. |
Pin Oak | Quercus palustris | 4-8 | Full sun | Fast | 65 | π | Prefers well-drained soil, can tolerate flooding |
Pitch x Loblolly Pine | Pinus rigida x taeda | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 60 | π | Tolerant to most soil types and conditions. Hybrid of Loblolly and Pitch pine species. |
Pond Cypress | Taxodium ascendens | 5-8 | Full sun | Average | 70 | π | Native tree tolerate to both wet sites and flooded conditions. Useful near water edges or low lying fields which flood in spring rains. |
Post Oak | Quercus stellata | 5-9 | Full sun | Average | 60 | π | Prefers drier, well-drained soils as compared to other oaks. |
Princeton Elm | Ulmus americana 'Princeton' | 2-7 | Full sun | Fast | 70 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Elm disease resistant versus other types, but not 100% disease free. |
Red Buckeye | Aesculus pavia | 4-8 | Full sun to full shade | Slow | 40 | π | |
Red Maple | Acer rubrum | 3-9 | Full sun | Average | 60 | π | Prefers wet soil conditions |
Red Maple 'October Glory' | Acer rubrum 'October Glory' | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Less winter resistant than other cultivars. |
Red Mulberry | Morus rubra | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 60 | π | Tree with dense crown and small blackberry like fruit which are not edible for humans when unripe. Ripe fruit is harmless, but can stain surfaces if left unattended. |
Red Oak | Quercus rubra | 3-8 | Full sun | Fast | 70 | π | Prefers acidic soil over alkaline soil conditions, some drought tolerance once established. |
Redbud | Cercis canadensis | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 30 | π | Tolerant to most types |
Redbud 'Forest Pansy' | Cercis canadensis βForest Pansyβ | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 30 | π | Purple leaves |
Redbud 'Ruby Falls' | Cercis canadensis βRuby Fallsβ | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 30 | π | Purple leaves |
River Birch | Betula nigra | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 60 | π | Avoid alkaline soil. Can tolerate flooding and some drought. Useful near streams. |
Roughleaf Dogwood | Cornus drummondii | 5-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 15 | π | Native to Canada and the US, tolerating both poor soil and deer browsing. Planting is best in naturalized settings or at the edges of landscapes in an informal shrub border. |
Sargentβs Crabapple | Malus sargentii | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 10 | π | Tolerant of most soil conditions, preferring acidic soil. Fruits are attractive to birds. Excellent resistance to a variety of crabapple diseases. |
Sassafras | Sassafras albidum | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 50 | π | Avoid alkaline soil, some tolerance to salt/drought. Fruit is eaten by deer and wild turkeys. |
Scarlet Oak | Quercus coccinea | 4-9 | Full sun | Average | 70 | π | Avoid alkaline soils for best growth |
Shagbark Hickory | Carya ovata | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 70 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Fruit is edibleβ¦ personal opinion says that this is not worth it. Roasting is the best option. |
Shellbark Hickory | Carya laciniosa | 5-8 | Full sun | Slow | 70 | π | Grows in acidic, alkaline, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, wet and clay soils. Is generally drought tolerant once established. |
Shingle Oak | Quercus imbricaria | 4-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 60 | π | |
Shortleaf Pine | Pinus echinata | 6-9 | Full sun | Average | 75 | π | Prefers drier, well-drained soils. Avoid alkaline soils. |
Shumard Oak | Quercus shumardii | 5-9 | Full sun | Average | 60 | π | Prefers acidic soil over alkaline soil conditions |
Silky Dogwood | Cornus amomum | 5-8 | Full sun to near full shade | Average | 15 | π | Good shrub for moist or wet areas, when left alone, this shrub may spread to form thickets. White spring flowers lead to blue fruit which birds will eat. |
Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum | 3-9 | Full sun to full shade | Fast | 60 | π | Prefers wet soil conditions |
Smooth Sumac | Rhus glabra | 3-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 15 | π | Near ubiquitous shrub in the United States, forming colonies which are an important wintering food for wildlife. Shrubs have excellent color and best left to naturalized areas or erosion control. |
Southern Red Oak | Quercus falcata | 6-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 80 | π | A faster growth but less winter resistant tree than the standard red oak. |
Staghorn Sumac | Rhus typhina | 3-9 | Full sun | Fast | 15 | π | Easily grown in a wide range of soils, with white blooms in spring and red berries in fall. |
Sugarberry | Celtis laevigata | 6-9 | Full sun to full shade | Average | 60 | π | |
Sugar Maple | Acer saccharum | 3-8 | Full sun to shade | Average | 100 | π | Rich, moist , well-drained soils. A straight, central trunk and wide canopy make it a good shade tree. |
Swamp Chestnut Oak | Quercus michauxii | 5-9 | Full sun | Average | 50 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Similar to Chestnut Oak. |
Swamp White Oak | Quercus bicolor | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 50 | π | Avoid alkaline soils for best growth |
Sweet Crabapple | Malus coronaria | 1-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 30 | π | Moist soil, stream banks, open woods, woodland edges. The common crabapple of the Ohio Valley, it can be planted as an ornamental. |
Sweet Gum | Liquidambar styraciflua | 5-9 | Full sun | Average | 70 | π | Avoid alkaline soils for best growth. Pollution resistance is minimal. |
Sweetbay Magnolia | Magnolia virginiana | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 20 | π | Avoid alkaline soils and can tolerate some flooding. Flowering in May/June. |
Sycamore | Platanus occidentalis | 4-9 | Full sun | Fast | 80 | π | Prefers medium/wet soils. Air pollution tolerant. One of the most massive trees in the Eastern United States, so plan spaces accordingly. |
Tulip | Liriodendron tulipifera | 4-9 | Full sun | Fast | 80 | π | Avoid alkaline soil, drought-tolerant in humid regions. |
Washington Hawthorn | Crateagus phaenopyrum | 4-8 | Full sun | Average | 30 | π | A small tree which enjoys full sun, but has thorns (hence the name). |
Water Oak | Quercus nigra | 6-9 | Full sun | Fast | 80 | π | A wetland tree, tolerant of water. More common in the south, with Indiana at the northern edge of the habitable zone. |
Water Tupelo | Nyssa aquatica | 6-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 70 | π | Prefers moist, acidic soil and can grow in standing water. |
White/Pink Flowering Dogwood | Cornus florida | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 25 | π | Tolerant to most types. Can be short enough for under utility lines |
White Fringe Tree | Chionanthus virgnicius | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 15 | π | White flowers of 6 inches in needle like clusters. Good for near homes as size is controllable. |
White Oak | Quercus alba | 3-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 70 | π | Intolerant of alkaline or shallow urban soil |
White Pine | Pinus strobus | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 70 | π | Tolerant to most types, but fastest growth in acidic, well-drained soils. |
Yellow Buckeye | Aesculus flava | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 70 | π | Performs best in moist, well-drained soil. Will grow poorly on dry sites. Fruit is poisonous if eaten without leaching the saponins. |
Shrubs and Small Trees (Searchable)
Common Name | Scientific Name | Zones | ![]() | Growth Rate | Potential Height (ft) | Native | Notes |
Allegheny Serviceberry | Amelanchier laevis | 4-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 15 | π | All serviceberries have edible fruits, but flavor depends on type. Pollinated by bees. |
American Beautyberry | Callicarpa americana | 6-10 | Full sun | Average | 6 | π | Woody shrub that produces showy purple berry clusters along the stem in fall. Pruning old growth will encourage more flowering and berries each year. Fruits can be made into a sweet syrup. |
American Elderberry | Sambucus canadensis | 4-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 10 | π | Avoid alkaline soils. Prefers sandy, well-drained soils. Flowers and ripened fruit are edible, there are significant risks to eating unripened or uncooked fruit. |
American Hazelnut | Corylus americana | 4-9 | Full sun to shade | Average | 15 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Drought tolerant. Nut production starts on eighth year from seed, and requires cross-pollination. |
American Witchhazel | Hamamelis virginiana | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 30 | π | Avoid alkaline soil |
Arrowwood | Viburnum dentatum | 2-8 | Full sun to shade | Slow | 10 | π | Native shrub to most of the eastern United States, tolerant to a variety of soil types. Flowers and fruit attact butterflies, bees, and songbirds. |
Black Chokeberry | Aronia melanocarpa | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 5 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. Fruit is edible but highly astringent, leading to choking and the name. |
Blackhaw | Viburnum prunifolium | 3-9 | Full sun to shade | Average | 20 | π | A small tree that may grow 20 feet tall and nearly as wide, with spring flowers that in large white clusters. |
Buttonbush | Cephalanthus occidentalis | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 15 | π | Plant makes distinct snowball like flowers. Left alone in full sun, buttonbush can grow to near the heights of a small tree (15-20'), but is generally a smaller shrub. Does well in consistently moist soils. Flowering is less impressive on shady side of plant. |
Coralberry | Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | 2-7 | Full sun to shade | Average | 5 | π | Coralberry is a low-growing, spreading shrub with arching stems that produce clusters of purplish red fruits in the fall. |
Deciduous Holly | Ilex decidua | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 15 | π | Perfers average soil types Γ’β¬β acidic organic soils. Heavier berries will be present if planted in groups. |
Downy Serviceberry (aka Common Serviceberry) | Amelanchier arborea | 5-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 25 | π | Pruning its several trunks to a central leader is possible if the look of a tree is preferred. |
Eastern Wahoo | Euonymous atropurpureus | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 25 | π | Tolerant to most soil types. |
False Indigo | Amorpha fruticosa | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 12 | π | False Indigo is a native shrub of the Fabaceae (bean) family, typically found growing in moist woodlands, floodplains, and near edges of streams, ponds, or swamps. |
Fragrant Sumac | Rhus aromatica | 3-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 6 | π | Spreading shrub which provides fall color and fruits which can support native birds and wildlife. |
Gray Dogwood | Cornus racemosa | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 15 | π | Adapted to a wide range of soil types |
Highbush Cranberry | Viburnum tilobum | 2-5 | Partial shade | Slow | 10 | π | Fruit is edible, but will need to protect from birds who also enjoy the fruit. |
Inkberry | Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' | 6-10 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 6 | π | A species of evergreen holly, but leaves are more oval than the distinctive holly form. |
Leadplant | Amorpha canescens | 2-6 | Full sun | Average | 4 | π | |
Mapleleaf Viburnum | Viburnum acerifolium | 4-6 | Partial shade | Slow | 6 | π | Distinctive, purplish-pink autumn foliage |
Nanking Cherry | Prunus tomentosa | 3-7 | Full sun | Average | 10 | Tolerant to most types. Fruit bearing shrub from the plum family, but fruits look more similar to cherries. | |
Nannyberry | Viburnum lentago | 3-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 15 | π | Native Indiana shrub which can support birds and wildlife. Height in sun are significantly higher than in shady areas. |
New Jersey Tea | Ceanothus americanus | 2-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 5 | π | Used well in mass plantings, as a tall ground cover, or on steep slopes for erosion control |
Ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius | 2-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 8 | π | Shrub with exfoliating bark and white flowers. Shrub can be cut down in winter to rejuvenate. |
Northern Bayberry | Myrica pensylvanica | 3-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 10 | π | Shrub which is tolerant to both drought and wet site conditions once established. Fixes atmospheric nitrogen. |
Red Buckeye | Aesculus pavia | 6-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 20 | π | Avoid alkaline soil Γ’β¬β ornamental tree with visual interest |
Red Chokecherry | Aronia arbutifolia | 4-9 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 5 | π | |
Red Osier Dogwood (aka Red Twig) | Cornus sericea | 2-7 | Full sun | Average | 10 | π | Shrub grows well in wet areas, with a distinctive red stem color and white flowers for good visual interest. |
Saskatoon Serviceberry | Amelanchier alnifolia | 3-6 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 12 | π | All serviceberries have edible fruit, but flavor depends on type. Pollinated by bees. |
Shadblow Serviceberry (aka Canadian Serviceberry) | Amelanchier canadensis | 4-7 | Full sun to partial shade | Slow | 20 | π | Hardier overall than other species but struggles in drought conditions. |
Silky Dogwood | Cornus amomum | 5-8 | Full sun to near full shade | Average | 15 | π | Good shrub for moist or wet areas, when left alone, this shrub may spread to form thickets. White spring flowers lead to blue fruit which birds will eat. |
Snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | 3-7 | Full sun to shade | Slow | 6 | π | Spreads by suckers underground - make sure to control plant growth. Berries are used in Canada for fruits. |
Speckled Alder | Alnus incana | 3-6 | Full sun to partial shade | Average | 15 | π | Should be in partial shade to protect from heat in summer. Will grow as wide as tall. |
Spicebush | Lindera benzoin | 3-8 | Partial shade to shade | Slow | 12 | π | Prefers moist, acidic soil. Leaves will will gain a reddish color when stressed. Flowering in spring. |
Strawberry Bush (aka Hearts-a-Bustinβ) | Euonymus americanus | 6-9 | Partial shade to shade | Average | 6 | π | Low maintenance shrub which produces fruits that are not generally considered consumeable by humans. Fruits are a strong laxative. |
Vernal Witchhazel | Hamamelis vernalis | 3-8 | Full sun to partial shade | Fast | 15 | π | Sometimes called Ozark witchhazel, this shrub is a tought durable plant that works best in close to full sun. Leaf scorch can happen in hot dry summers where not afternoon shde is available. Flowers have a wide variety of colors. |
Winterberry | Ilex verticillata | 3-9 | Full sun to shade | Slow | 10 | π | Can tolerate up to full shade, low maintenance, border shrub |

Ancient trees are precious. There is little else on Earth that plays host to such a rich community of life within a single living organism.